Mentoring is a formalized partnership between two people for learning and personal or professional development. Many organizations, such as businesses, schools, and universities, use formalized mentoring to assist and facilitate individual growth. Mentoring is about assisting and encouraging people to manage their learning so that they can reach their full potential, enhance their abilities, and become the person they want to be. The importance of mentoring in education lies in the fact that a mentor may provide instruction, inspiration, emotional support, and role modeling to a mentee, while also sharing knowledge about his or her career path. A mentor can assist with career exploration, goal-setting, networking, and resource discovery. Mentors support and facilitate the professional or personal development of others. By setting goals and providing feedback, a mentor can assist them in focusing their efforts.


Lets read more to understand the role and importance of mentoring in education:


Role of Mentoring in Education: 


Mentoring allows people to learn from one another and facilitates the transmission of knowledge. In education, mentoring entails partnering young people with an older peer or adult volunteer who serves as a positive role model. Mentoring, rather than developing specific academic abilities or information, focuses on building confidence and relationships, developing resilience and character, and raising expectations.



Visit: importance of personality in education


  • Learn from the Guidance: 


Learn from the Guidance, importance of mentoring in education


Young children are confused about careers or there might be some other reasons too, providing mentoring will guide them towards the right path. Mentors not only guide and provide mentees with knowledge but also tell them their personal experiences which helps mentees understand better. This helps kids in building their perspectives. Mentorship help in personality development for kids, as it makes them confident and clear about their understandings, this results in forming a strong personality. That’s why mentoring should be included in education.



professional skills of a teacher



  • Mentors emphasize with Mentees: 


Mentors emphasize with Mentees


A mentor has gone through comparable situations and knows how things work in the real world. When a mentee is stuck, they can look at things from the mentee’s perspective and propose the best course of action. Mentees will learn how to write properly in a professional school, but with the help of these mentors, a mentee will become an author by writing their first book, which will make a significant difference. That’s the reason they are the best personality development skills, mentors. The bond which is created between the mentor and mentee is called mentorship.



  • Help build a Network in Early Stages: 


Help build a Network in Early Stages


Mentors also share their network with the mentees, allowing them to meet the appropriate people at the right time in their life. This allows mentees to interact with more individuals in their field while also providing them with a plethora of options. It always helps a mentee learn things faster when they talk with experienced people. Networking helps a mentee in building up more relations, knowing and understanding the outer world in a better manner. These networks also come in handy in the future. Forming a network is crucial because it helps a mentee learn and move forward with tremendous experience.





  • Mentors focus on the “why”: 


Mentors focus on the "why"


Everyone’s journey is unique, but they all strive to achieve the same ultimate result. Your Mentor will assist you in remembering “why” you are on this trip, which will enable you to set various goals and milestones along the way. This will also assist you in making difficult career decisions. Focusing on why or remembering the why will help a mentee understand why they are doing what they are doing. It helps them focus on the ultimate goal which they wish to achieve.



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personality development for kids



  • Mentors become Accountable for Mentees’ Goals:


Mentors become Accountable for Mentees' Goals, importance of mentoring in education


Children often tend to distract more, distracting and going off the track is pretty easy. When they have a mentor it helps them to not only set their goals but also focus on their goal. Mentors also check in with mentees’ progress from time to time making sure they have grown and are on the right path. As mentors are now accountable for mentees’ goals, this drives mentees to finish the task with motivation and become eager to view the results.


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Mentoring benefits in being encouraged and empowered in personal growth. It also helps in identifying and achieving career goals. Lastly, it helps in building a strong personality by increasing the mentee’s confidence and morale. The importance of mentoring in education helps school children grow under the guidance of an experienced mentor, helping them understand their likes and dislikes, building enthusiasm, and being sure about future goals and objectives.

Mentor teachers perceived their roles as facilitating student teachers’ socialization into the teaching profession by assisting them in gaining competence in various aspects of school functioning, such as lesson planning and presentation, classroom management, and appropriate use of technology, according to the findings. Therefore, it is essential to provide mentoring in schools as it will help education benefit by benefiting the students.


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  • Story narration
  • Character Dramatization
  • Fancy Dress Training
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  • Concentration Enhancer
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  • Social Boldness
  • Poem Narration
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  • English Speech Fluency
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