Ever since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, multiple sectors of daily workings have been severely affected. But this doesn’t mean that everything came to halt rather things transformed and adapted to what is now known as the new ‘normal’. Teaching is one of the sectors that have received a global hit and that has led to devastating results in the life of children who were dependent on it. Today the mode of teaching has shifted to an online ambiance and both the students and the teachers are learning how to adapt to it. This article talks about a few online teaching tips for elementary teachers to make online classes not only fun and happening for teachers but also a source of improved education for students.


4 Top Online Teaching Tips for Elementary Teachers: 

Before anything it is vital to remember and remind others over and over that online teaching is only a matter of time and once social gatherings are possible, the traditional method of teaching will be back in vogue, merely because it’s not going out of trend, not anytime soon at least. Here are a few simple and crucial tips for teachers to help make online teaching successful and happening for students.


  1. Pick a Platform: 


pick a platform, online teaching tips for elementary teachers


With the emergence of online teaching as the only source of teaching during the pandemic, multiple online platforms also came up for providing a more user-friendly and easy-to-navigate space for both teachers and students. Hence, teachers can try various online platforms and pick the one which best suits them. For instance, Zoom is one of the platforms that are not only easy to navigate and use but also provide one with various sorts of functions. In addition to this, it is a good idea to opt for a good set of microphones and speakers so as to make it easy to connect with others. Teachers need to make sure that their communication is more out bounding. You can also start looking for some online personality grooming classes for better and improved performance.

benefits of mentoring in education


Visit: importance of curriculum development 


2. Communication: 




Once you have a platform with which you are comfortable enough to use, the next and probably the most important factor is communication. For myriads of students and parents, online learning is a whole new space and they can find it quite hard to adjust to the sudden and abrupt change. Thus, before even starting to take a lesson, it is the job of the teachers to make sure that both the parents and the students are quite comfortable in using the app and they know the use of various tools that are present on their user screen. Doing this will give a sense of comfort to the students and also provide them with a tinge of confidence. Make sure that you provide them with various kinds of essential tutorials and required run-throughs so that students become more equipped with learning via online means. Also, make sure that your communication is easy and appealing, even if the student is irritable or something. If a student has a sibling and needs to share their device then make sure that the timing of the classes is set accordingly.


Visit: types of micro teaching




3. Accountability during Online Hours: 


Accountability during Online Hours


Probably one of the hardest aspects of online teachings, for teachers, is that they cannot keep a record of who is present in the class and who is not. Most of the children try to bunk or skip classes because of a plethora of reasons. Because of this teachers need to look for more innovation to hold students accountable for missing classes. To start, try to organize various kinds of activities so that students do not skip the classes and they are more interesting. Teachers can also plan various other sessions like book clubs, seminar sessions, debate society, and so on, to make learning more fun and less boring during online hours. For this one can also opt for personality development classes for more insights.


personality development course


Visit: virtual classroom etiquette for students 


4. Encourage Students: 


Encourage Students, online teaching tips for elementary teachers


It is vital for teachers to accept the fact that all the students do not come from an affluent background and someday it might be easy for them while others are quite hard. Thus, it is crucial for teachers to appreciate the fact they all attend the classes even during the stressful days of pandemics. On the other hand, there are many students who use schools as an escape from their household for a plethora of reasons and now they cannot and the fact that they are also attending the classes must be applauded in some way or the other. In addition, instead of imposing something in online classes, it is vital for teachers to collaborate and make sure that everyone is feeling good and excited about the class. Have fun with students and just be easy on yourself and them.


micro teaching skills


Visit: steps of micro teaching


Now that you are aware of some of the most crucial online teaching tips for elementary teachers it is vital to utilize them in a healthy and effective manner. Other than this, teachers must also be easy and kind to them and must acknowledge their efforts too. It is only by coming together by which we can make online teaching less stressful and more fun for all.

Our focus is to connect with the individual on a personal-professional level and develop his/her skills. TAM techniques based session, our workshops aim to upgrade & up-skill. All online workshop session duration: 40 mins, payable in advance. Note: Time once fixed & allocated to our trainer for the session cannot be changed.


Through our personality grooming classes, we train teachers for: 


  • Interview Training
  • Leadership
  • Presentation Training
  • Social Boldness
  • Dressing Etiquette
  • Communication Skills
  • English Speaking
  • Anger Management
  • Time Management
  • Performance Enhancer
  • Soft Skills
  • Goal Setting
  • Career Counselling
  • Listening Skills
  • Meditation 


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