It has been well over a year since the pandemic turned our lives upside down. The new order has forced us to seek respite in virtual spaces. Work, study, and social life have now shrunk into the confines of our digital screens. Real-time video conferencing has been one feature we all rely upon to keep up our human connection. As virtual classrooms become the new normal in the education sector, it is high time that we lay down certain rules that have to be adhered to when participating in online sessions. It is very essential to go through virtual classroom etiquette for students.


Following are some key virtual classroom etiquette for students:



  1. Be on Time: 


be on time, virtual classroom etiquette


This is a fairly obvious etiquette to follow as a student. But with studying shifting out of campuses and moving into the comforts of one’s personal space, students tend to overlook the need to be on time. While the traditional way of learning would require you to wake up and get ready to catch a bus to get to school on time, the new mode of learning is not without its own fair share of demands. You need to plan ahead to be on time for a virtual class. Ensuring that you have the link to the virtual meeting, charging your devices, and setting up your study space can take time. Joining the meet at the right time will allow your teacher to permit you into the classroom and thereby avoid your delayed entry interrupting the meeting.


Visit: time management tips 


2. Dress Appropriately: 


Dress Appropriately


Virtual learning, as we are slowly discovering, isn’t the most exciting thing ever. Being confined within the hustle and bustle of home and having to work hard to study and get good grades can be mentally draining. As the initial enthusiasm for virtual learning dies down, you may not even be interested to groom yourself for class. Dragging yourself out of the bed just in time for the class will mar the quality of the class for you. More importantly, turning up for a virtual class with shabby looks and inappropriate clothing can be highly disrespectful. Always dress up properly just as you would have, had you been attending the class on your campus. Dressing up for the class will help you mentally prepare for an online session.



Visit: how to achieve excellence in education 



types of learning difficulties



3. Follow the Instructions: 


Follow the Instructions


Though the virtual space has lent some relief from the endless list of rules to abide by at school, the virtual medium comes with its own unique set of instructions. Most teachers prefer to have their students visible throughout the session. This would help them gauge your understanding or doubts from your facial expressions. It would also allow them to ensure that you are with them, listening attentively. Hence, if the teacher asks you to keep your video on throughout the session, you certainly must. Similarly, any request to turn off the video must also be promptly followed. Your audio must compulsorily be muted throughout unless it is your chance to speak something in class. Unmindfully leaving on your audio will cause a lot of audio disturbance to your class.


Visit: how to improve cognitive skills 


personality development training


4. Engage in Polite Participation: 


Engage in Polite Participation


The virtual model of learning has rendered most students dormant. Most students attend the class as passive listeners who contribute nothing to the class. This shouldn’t be so. Students must actively engage in classroom discussions and must raise doubts if there are any. Students must do so in a polite manner. Most online platforms have the hand-raising feature that can be clicked upon to indicate that you have something to say to the class. Once the symbol is on, the teacher will provide you with a turn to speak. Following this method will ensure that you don’t cut into someone else’s talk. It will also ensure order and clarity to the proceedings of the class.


Visit: how to improve soft skills 





5. Avoid Distractions: 


Avoid Distractions, virtual classroom etiquette


Concentrating in a virtual classroom can be quite a challenge considering the number of distractions that can surround you at home. Moreover, having distracting elements in your background can draw the unwanted attention of others attending the meet. For instance, your pet playing around in the background while the class proceeds will distract both you as well as others attending the meet. It is hence very essential that you remove all forms of distractions from the room you are attending class from. Studying in a well-lit, silent room will help you concentrate in class.


Visit: games to improve reasoning skills 


Etiquettes are a staple subject of instruction in personality development classes offered by a top personality development school. Etiquettes, which define appropriate behavior in a social setting, are quintessential for the smooth functioning of any institution. They are a set of rules that must be uncompromisingly followed. However, instructing and training virtual classroom etiquette for students have been a fairly recent challenge that needs to be immediately addressed. Following the above-mentioned etiquettes is certainly a way to appropriately engage in virtual classroom sessions.