Our idea of a verdict relies on the upper level of understanding which is executed by people who are passionate, headstrong, smart, intelligent, and who dare to be answerable and take accountability of his/her actions. How many people realize what it takes to conclude an issue or a miscommunication? The answer is- only a handful. Some of us avoid and deny the authority to decide on behalf of others. It seems like a colossal job (which it partly is). However, this article is here to help the reader understand that not every decision requires the same state of mind and body, some are major, whilst some can be solved in a jiffy. To make it clear, here are some types of decision making which breaks down the process and anatomy that goes behind giving a verdict.
So, here we are highlighting some essential types of decision making
- Programmed Decisions:
These decisions are also known as routine or scheduled decisions which take place on a daily. They are the ones that you know would occur at the workplace and you do not have to seek expert advice to tackle this. However, even though this is executed regularly, it still requires a set amount of policy, rule, and procedure of the organization.
Visit: decision making skills
2. Non-Programmed Decisions:
These decisions that do not take place regularly are usually unprecedented and do not come under any policy or protocols. They are unforeseen and must be decided considering the conditions and consequences. This is how managers and top tier officials decide over sensitive issues.
3. Strategic Decisions:
These decisions are important ones for the firm, usually taken by the higher authorities of the firm (basically the higher and the middle). They revolve around the policies and protocols of the firms.
Visit: Thinking and Reasoning Skills
4. Routine Decisions:
As the name suggests, they are taken in the daily operational activities of the organization which is in the routine. Such decisions do not require an in-depth study as it follows the same pattern and difficulty level of getting solved.
5. Policy Decisions:
Since the policies are at stake, the makers and pioneers of the organization take part in solving the issue. It does not happen on a regular scale and is not taken up by middle or lower management, but the top levels do the brainstorming. It requires a lot of analysis and observation which is beneficial for the long run of the organization.
Visit: how to develop emotional intelligence
6. Operating Decisions:
The decisions followed by policy decisions are operating decisions. These decisions as to what and how should the policies run and operate under these functions. Since the brainstorming is executed by the top tier of the organization, the labor or the manual work is left for the middle and lower management people. So, it is to be decided and operated on by everyone except the makers.
Visit: performance enhancement tips
7. Organizational Decisions:
The decisions taken by the head or the executive for the organization on behalf of everyone but is for everyone is referred to as organizational decisions. It is considered for the betterment of the firm. These are the ones that are delegated.
Visit: importance of decision making
8. Personal Decisions:
These decisions are taken by the leaders or executive for their benefit which is not for everyone. Certainly, these cannot be delegated. These are literal personal decisions for self, which are one of the most essential types of decision making.
9. Individual Decisions:
The decisions taken by an individual for official purpose is referred to as an individual decision. Small organizations that are usually taken care of by one person rely on such decisions. In this type of decision, the owner or the executive does not take anyone’s advice as the firm that they are operating is small with fewer people.
10. Group Decisions:
The decisions taken by a group of people for the welfare of a firm is known as group decisions. These decisions are carried out by the members of the board and investors of the top-level management and this is a common thing for large scale industries. It is huge and democratic and all aspects are to be considered vital for consideration.
These were certain important sectors of decisions that are essential for the workplace. These decisions have little to no control over the hands of humans which is why a person should train their minds and their personality to tackle these whenever they pop up. These were certain basics that are introduced in a personality development training session so that you can get an idea of how office management operates.