Those last-minute rehearsals, nervousness leading to fumbles, lack of confidence when it comes to speech, presentations and other public speaking opportunities. These are all some signs of stage fear. Therefore, to become your child a pro in public speaking, we present some of the most beneficial and helpful stage exposure activities. These activities will enable your child to overcome stage fright and shine like a star in front of the audience.

Lets have a look at the following stage exposure activities:


1. Storytelling: 


story telling, stage exposure activities


Storytelling is one of the easiest and best stage exposure activities that can develop a child’s personality and blend his perspectives into a positive direction. Storytelling helps in developing confidence coma communication skills and it helps the child know his thinking mechanism. Storytelling has proven to show numerous benefits at the creativity level of the brain of the person. For example can tell the child to recite a Cinderella story which would increase his conceptual understanding and enable him to speak in front of others which is a very crucial skill needed today.
Reading and storytelling with babies and children promotes brain development and imagination, formulates dialect and feelings, and strengthens relationships. Newborns and young children often help in reading simple tales, songs, and stories with good rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. It is a good time for a book or story.



reading skills for children



2. Roleplay: 





Roleplay activity involves free playing roles of different people at the same time. It gives the chance to the child to step out of their comfort zone. Roleplay helps in building a different perspective and understanding of different types of situations. It helps the child in understanding the emotions of love, hatred, regret, disappointment, and many more. A top soft skills coach helps the child in opening up at the stage and provides necessary exposure. It is considered that preschool is an extremely important phase where a proper chance of stage exposure activities should be given to the kids. Role plays develop a sense of creativity and critical thinking in the children.


Visit: why theatre classes for kids


3. Class Presentation: 


Class Presentation



Class presentations are group presentation that enhances your child social ability and at the same time give an abundance of stage exposure we have seen nursery kids reciting rhymes with proper facial expressions and different types of capturing the activity increase a child’s confidence and innovation the child trust himself and it allows him to speak more in front of others it fosters growth cognitively and socially. Class presentations apart from group activities providing a stage exposure also give a chance of teamwork and cooperation at every instance. They can be a presentation of rhymes or stories.

Teachers can include short student demonstrations in their classes to promote the basics of lesson making. Indicate various paths to make presentations more interesting to an audience, like the design of objects or the showing of short videos as part of the presentation. Educators play an important role in helping kids develop their creativity and confidence which in turn provides a better stage exposure.


Visit: benefits of drama and play in education



confidence activities for kids




4. Fancy Dress Competition: 


Fancy Dress Competition, stage exposure activities


Fancy dress competitions instill a sense of competence in the child. Playing around with props is one of the activities they do to build confidence in your child. Fancy dress competition gives exposure and a wide growth opportunity to the child. It could be the child dressed in their favorite cartoon or their favorite movie characters. It makes them more creative, happier, and more diverse.



personality development training



5 Fashion show:


Fashion show



A fashion show does not give a sense of perfect dressing but standing in front of the light at a fashion show gives a wide opportunity to children.
To get on the stage fashion shows has always been an integral part of the school curriculum and are done during various celebrations like -a Christmas celebration Mother’s Day celebration for Children’s Day celebration they help the child gain a genuine degree of confidence and shape their innovation differently with the charm and glow and the dynamic stage environment provides the necessary exposure to the kids.




6 Mindfulness:


Mindfulness, stage exposure activities


Stage exposure activities are directly connected to the brain activity of an individual child. The practice of being mindful makes a person more aware of his surroundings and thoughts. Children practice mindfulness by a simple meditation for being in a calm environment for at least 1 hour a day. This will help them in gaining confidence and a proper mental ability also. It gives them the ability to stage exposure. Children who are in the habit of listening to others have a better understanding and a higher degree of confidence than children who do not have the habit of doing so. In short, fulfilling information gives the child more growth as the brain functions considerably more and better. They pay careful awareness to what they absorb, ensuring that they eat well and get enough rest and physical activity. They are equally cautious not to feed their minds with junk food and also like a lot of tv time.
They treat their minds and bodies with love and appreciation, knowing that being kind to themselves is a gesture of love towards all life and makes mindful living much easier.


Visit: pillars of value based education


For every kid, public speaking skills are essential, therefore implying these stage exposure activities will improve their personality.


In our classes specially designed for personality development for kids, we focus on: 




For more details, contact us now!