Education is vast. There is no certain limit to it. The education we get today about science, mathematics might help in our careers but it is not enough to survive daily life. When we enter the outside world, there has to be knowledge of how to deal with different kinds of situations, react when things don’t go your way, make the right decisions, etc. pillars of value based education deal with teaching universal human values such as respect, honesty, justice, happiness, compassion, etc. To quote Thomas Jefferson, “Knowledge is Power” and it is in our hands to use it in a way that would be beneficial for everyone. Value based education is a necessity for every student.


Here are the most imperative pillars of value based education that help in brightening future of your kids: 



  1. Character Education: 


Character Education, pillars of value based education


Teaching one good moral values and giving ethical knowledge is one of many things students learn with the help of value based education. It helps an individual to earn good mannerisms, stay well-behaved and socially acceptable, and hence, Character development happens naturally. Character Education is one of the very important components of value based education.


Visit: role of education in character building


2. Health Education: 


Health Education


Health is important in every aspect of your life. Doing physical activities to keep your body fit and healthy, doing mental exercises like meditation or breathing exercises to keep your mental health in check is very crucial. Eating healthy and living a healthy life altogether are the main prospects of a well-educated, successful person. Health education is another component in value based education that helps the learner to gain knowledge about healthy lifestyles and the right choices for your mind and body.


Visit: importance of curriculum development



personality development for kids



3. Environmental Education: 


Environmental Education


There are, no doubt, so many issues we have to deal with every day but an environmental crisis is something that should be a highlighted issue. Considering the worsened condition of the environment, people must be aware of taking care of the environment. Having at least basic knowledge about how to help the environment can be useful too. Little steps do matter. Environment education, which is also a component in value based education, enables the students to explore such issues and take essential measures to stop them. It helps the students to make responsible decisions and maintain the quality of the environment.



benefits of civic sense


4. National Heritage and History: 


National Heritage and History, pillars of value based education


India has a very long and interesting history. From Kings to Britishers to the fight for Independence, there is so much to learn. value based education covers this National heritage and history in such a way that the learners will get to know not only the things that happened but also, why they happened. Details are important and value based education ensures students know well about their nations’ history and heritage. Hence, National heritage and history are also one of the important components of value based education because it gives you knowledge about less focused parts of your nations’ history.


Visit: thinking and reasoning skills


5. Personality Development: 


Personality Development


It is obvious that value based education works on a person, inside and out. It is a fact that to be a good citizen, one has to have manners and also should have his/her own opinion about things. Personality development classes help one clear his or her goals, know their passion and also, push one to know oneself. Personality development training improves skills, teaches you to have a more positive outlook on life. It also deals with improving your body language, communication skills, etc. Personality Development is also an important component of value based education.



6. Community Development: 


Community Development


Community development is a process where members of a community gather together to take collective action about something and generate solutions to solve common problems. This is a component of value based education because it deals with unity and unity, bringing people together to make the world a better place.



7. Skill Development: 


Skill Development


Emotional and Social skills are crucial to be able to apply values you believe in throughout the day. The ability to self-regulate one’s emotion and de-stress is an important skill to learn for the youth that needs to face stressful situations every day. It can be overwhelming and elf-modulation helps a person to stay calm and focus on their goals. Developing skills that could help you to present your point and deal with difficult situations optimistically. Hence, Skill development is one of the essential pillars of value based education that helps in enhancing future of your kids.



8. Integrating Values: 


Integrating Values, pillars of value based education


Value based education promotes the education that can be used in your professional as well as personal life. Keeping a positive attitude is one of the lessons that are taught and this can be used when a student is with his/her family or with friends as well. Hence, Integrating values is a very important component in value based education.


Visit: how to improve social intelligence


Value based education is important but not many schools give it that much importance. Knowing the pillars of value based education can help you to get an idea about the aspects this education revolves around and the knowledge it provides to the students.


We at our personality development classes, strongly believe that every child, under the age group of 12 years, picks up everything through strong instinctive observation, which in turn shapes up his/her personality in terms of self confidence, positive body language, voice articulation, initiative and interaction, superb learning and grasping power and environment adaptation.