We all go through phases of being socially awkward to be confident and bold while presenting our views on a certain point. Social development gives and improves the ability to interact with those around us with good communication skills. Adolescence is another word for a teenager which, as many people said, is the age that decides and sets the right path for the future. Global youth literacy has risen from 83 percent to 92 percent in the last 3 years and along with that social development has also been promoted via school activities and different social media channels. Erik Erikson, a psychiatrist, introduced and developed 8 stages of social development that helped a lot to make everyone understand the working and importance of social development in adolescence.
Explaining the importance of social development through stages:
1.Learning basic trust versus basic mistrust (Hope) –
When entering adolescence, the kind of childhood one had played an important part. The kid who grew up with love and care and in a secure household seems to be confident and trustful but, on the other hand, the child who was badly handled becomes insecure and mistrustful.
Visit: importance of moral development
2. Learning autonomy versus shame (Will) –
The ‘well-parented child seems to be proud of himself rather than feeling ashamed and lonely like the ‘poorly parented child might feel.
3. Learning initiative versus guilt (Purpose) –
Social development starts working its way through a child when they start playing amongst a group of people. Some kids will try to interact and cooperate with others where some kids will be scared to be the center of attention and will continue to depend on their parents.
Visit: how to improve social intelligence

4. Industry Versus Inferiority (Competence) –
Social development is important in “school-age” or “teenage” because it helps a kid to deal better with peers and their rules. Trustful, autonomous, and full of the initiative will help the kid to know what he or she wants and to stand up to those who cause problems. The kids who were not socially developed will be mistrustful, and full of guilt and shame which will cause them to doubt the future and be one of the people who join the wrong peer group only to feel “belonged” somewhere.
Visit: how to improve social inhibition
5. Learning identity versus identity diffusion (Fidelity) –
Adolescents are looking for something that they can relate to. Finding who you are is the biggest question that one needs to solve and many people actually go through all their life without ever finding the right answer. According to Erikson, during successful early adolescence, children develop a more mature perspective which helps with psychological development and the young person acquires self-certainty as opposed to self-consciousness and self-doubt.
Visit: need for cognitive development
6. Learning intimacy versus isolation (Love) –
Without social development, one would find it difficult to love someone. Parents play an important role in letting their children feel loved and cared for. When a kid gets love and attention from his or her parents, they do not feel the need to join peer groups just to kill their loneliness. The isolation can cause the teenager to go under the wrong habits which, eventually, will lead to the wrong path.
7. Learning Generativity versus self-absorption (Care) –
Adolescents strive for more independence and autonomy during teenage, and hence, different aspects of parenting become more salient. Like, the children at this time tend to spend more time with their friends rather than with parents, they experience new things, they become more socially active. This stage demands generativity, both in the sense of marriage and parenthood and in the sense of working productively and creatively because, without it, adolescents would wander off in the wrong direction.
Visit: imagination and creativity in childhood
8. Integrity versus despair (Wisdom) –
The last stage explains how important social development can be. With the help of social development, you gain experience, you gain knowledge and you understand how to talk and understand others. Social development helps you become more mature and deal with different situations with ease. A mature adult develops the peak of adjustment; integrity. He or she trusts and is independent and does not hesitate to take risks. That individual works hard has found a purpose in life and has developed a self-concept with which he or she is happy.
Visit: why public speaking skills for kids
Personality Development training has always been an inseparable part of Social Development. When you are working on your social skills, you are simultaneously working on your communication skills, leadership skills, body language, etc. Personality Development courses help you to improve your existing skills and motivate you to learn one or two more skills that will benefit you in both your personal and professional life.
The importance of Social Development in Adolescence is pretty obvious considering this is the age where the children will get more independent, more familiar with the concepts of morality and ethical knowledge, and also, begin to understand themselves better.
The salient features of our personality development course includes enhancing self confidence, developing voice and speech modulation, improving body language and expressive abilities, inculcating observational skills, learning time management and environment adaptation, inculcating positive attitude, developing success oriented confidence and grasping the fundamentals of flawless communication skills and positive visualisation techniques.