Do you face problems while communicating? Good communication is a message that is understood as the communicator meant it to be understood. The slightest misunderstanding can cause a huge disaster (financially, if in an organization). Here we will see various characteristics of good communication.


Characteristics of Good Communication


1. Clarity:


Clarity, characteristics of good communication


When you write something, and it is clear then the person who is reading is much more likely to understand and act on your message. Similarly, this ultimate characteristic of effective communication applies while communicating too. Start with a clear communication motive and use concrete, accurate language to get your point across. It should be so clear that the reader or the listener understands what you are coming to say. Inclusive words increase the probability that this message will be interpreted correctly. Always use layman’s language.


2. Conciseness:




George Orwell, the famous essayist wrote in his essay, “Politics and the English Language,” if it is possible to strike a word out, always do it. Your motive is to communicate your message as quickly and directly as possible. By doing so, you save time and trouble. Being concise helps the receiver focus on the important part, rushes the information processing, and ensures enhanced understanding. Try to be on point, and avoid wordiness, redundancies, and empty phrases.


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3. Correctness:




Proper grammar and syntax increase the efficiency and reliability of your message. Mistakes might affect clarity, create vagueness, and raise doubts. Besides, the message’s information needs to be precise. Wrong information can wreck productivity in the workplace and compound disorganization. To confirm the messages, you are giving and receiving are correct, make sure the sentences are fact-based and provable. Frame the sentence in mind before speaking or sending it to someone.


4. Completeness:


Completeness, characteristics of good communication


Effective communication involves the whole picture. Excluding some of the information can lead to unnecessary confusion. Comprehensive yet brief sentences reduce further questions and prevent delays.


5. Coherence:




Coherent communication is rational. Points should be relevant and the tone and flow should be smooth. When writing, stick to the topic by linking the points with transition words and phrases. Everything kept planned will prevent any sort of confusion and misunderstanding. If you want to cover multiple points in a single message, classify each one. When the information is organized sensibly, it becomes understandable what is happening and also reasoning. Therefore, it’s easy to understand.


Visit: group discussion skills

6. Consideration:




Before you speak, consider your words and their after-effects on your listener. Empathy is a crucial pillar of good workplace communication. Being understanding of others is important to good relationships and good communication. Even if the conversation is not linked to business, its impacts can generate an uncomfortable work environment and reduce productivity. Talking in a polite and professional tone of voice is just important for good communication.



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7. Courtesy:


Courtesy, characteristics of good communication


Courtesy is necessary for a corporate setting anywhere. Your team is performing the same task together to achieve the same goals of success and growth. Avoid inside jokes, insults, or an aggressive tone to work against the team. When messages are conveyed with respect, team members are more likely to take the lead and adjust accordingly.


8. Concreteness:




A concrete message is perceptible, supported by facts for enhanced reliability, and helps your audience better understand what’s being delivered. It also minimizes the risk of misunderstanding, a common struggle in the workplace. Include specific examples, explanations, and details.




9. Consistency:




Following the above-mentioned tips will enhance your communication is good. Once you are upgraded, still, don’t let the quality go down. You can make a guide that will align your culture, values, voice, tone, etc. This will give you confidence and security in a collaborative positive environment. Personality development training can help you to maintain quality consistency.


10. Focus and Attention:


Focus and Attention, characteristics of good communication


These days everyone prefers multitasking. However, while receiving and sending information, a particular level of focus is needed. Any misunderstood communication could be terrible. Also while receiving/listening if you lose focus, you may miss the important points of the full message. Hence, focus and attention play a vital role in good communication.



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11. Emotional Awareness and Control:


Emotional Awareness and Control


This is the last but key aspect of good communication. Emotions will guide you through any situation in life. Whether you take a message with the purpose it is relaying or not, depends on your emotional maturity and your emotional intelligence. Both while conveying or receiving the information, you have to be careful in keeping yourself in an emotionally stable condition.



principles of effective communication




12. Persuasiveness:

It is also an important quality of effective communication. It helps to build a positive attitude from the receiver’s end towards the message. A best soft skills coach can teach you in persuading the person opposite to you.



13. Timeliness:


Timeliness, characteristics of good communication


The worth of any message depends on conveying it on time. If the message is not delivered at its exact time, its value is lost. So, the communicator should be very careful with the time to deliver the message. And yes, of course, many people value time, so following the time and delivering the message are very crucial equally.


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Appropriate performance of organizational activities and thus attainment of its goals mostly depends on effective communication. These characteristics of good communication will help in achieving goals personally as well as organizationally. Healthy communication builds a healthy relationship!


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